Interview with the Vampire Screencaps
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2) Please Do Not Claim the Screencaps as your own
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Credit is not required; but appreciated!
2) Please Do Not Claim the Screencaps as your own
In order to access the files you will need to change the extension. Learn how to do that here. If you get lost contact me and I will try and help you the best I can.
Credit is not required; but appreciated!
Season 1Episode 1-In Throes of Increasing Wonder...: Download!
Episode 2-...After the Phantoms of Your Former Self: Download! Episode 3-Is My Very Nature That of a Devil: Download! Episode 4-....The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding: Download! Episode 5-A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart: Download! Episode 6-Like Angesl Put in Hell by God: Download! Episode 7-The Thing Lay Still: Download! |
Season 2Episode 1-What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned: Download!
Episode 2-Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved by Death: Download! Episode 3-No Pain: Download! Episode 4-I Want You More Than Anything in the World: Download! Episode 5- Don't Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape: Download! Episode 6-Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light: Download! Episdoe 7-I Could Not Prevent It: Download! Episode 8-And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else: Download! |
Interview with the Vampire is © AMC. All of the screencaps provided under "Northern Winds" are believed to be within my rights under US Copyright Fair Use Act [Title 17, US Code.]. These screencaputres have been created for use in fan work derivitives. In no way are these screencaptures being sold or in anyway used to generate a profit. I am not responsible for what any downloader does with them.