With working full time, my religous screencap uploading schedule kind of got shattered into a thousand broken pieces and here I am two years later no closer to sticking it all back together. And art well hahahhahahhaaa I don't have the time. It sucks I miss it and maybe I'll get back to it but right now between work, and finally something that resembles a social life, a lot of the virtual things I did have been put on pause. Considering I didn't have a social life for HS and College I kinda feel like Im making up for that now. But unfortuanly it means things have to take a step back because as much as I have tried, I cannot do it all.
I'm going to try and get back to actually updating this website at least once a month and not just rely on the "feed" from grande-caps for updates.
anyway a fuck ton of new stuff to much to list honestly, I don't remember it all.